Subterranean Press está en racha. Al anuncio de la publicación de una colección de relatos de Aliette de Bodard se une ahora Laughter at the Academy, de Seanan McGuire.
Cada uno de los relatos irá acompañado de una ilustración de Carla McNeil.
No se conoce la tabla de contenidos al completo pero algunos de los títulos que incluirá la publicación son: “Laughter at the Academy”, “The Tolling of Pavlov’s Bells”, “Frontier ABCs”, “From A to Z in the Book of Changes”, “Lost” y “In Skeleton Leaves”.
Esta es la portada:

Los relatos incluidos son los siguientes:
- Laughter at the Academy: A Field Study in the Genesis Of Schizotypal Creative Genius Personality Disorder (SCGPD)
- Lost
- The Tolling of Pavlov’s Bells
- Uncle Sam
- Emeralds to Emeralds, Dust to Dust
- Crystal Halloway and the Forgotten Passage
- Homecoming
- Frontier ABCs: The Life and Times Of Charity Smith, Schoolteacher
- We Are All Misfit Toys in the Aftermath of the Velveteen War
- The Lambs
- Each to Each
- Bring About the Halloween Eternal!!!
- Office Memos
- Lady Antheia’s Guide to Horticultural Warfare
- Driving Jenny Home
- There Is No Place for Sorrow in the Kingdom of the Cold
- In Skeleton Leaves
- Please Accept My Most Profound Apologies for What Is About to Happen (But You Started It)
- Threnody for Little Girl, With Tuna, At the End of the World
- From A to Z In the Book of Changes
- #connollyhouse #weshouldntbehere
- Down, Deep Down, Below the Waves