Nueva entrega de los pasatiempos de Fantástica Ficción.
Loading the crossword has yet to start.
Find these words in the riddle: {{crosswordData.description}}
- Difficulty level {{crosswordData.level+1|localeNumber}}
- Word directions:
only to the right and down
any, including diagonal and backwards
List of words that should be found: visible before found hidden before found
Mark the words:
You have found {{count.solution|localeNumber}} of {{count.words|localeNumber}} words You have found all {{count.words|localeNumber}} words!
- {{word.fields | joinWord}}
Authored by {{}}
Hoy se me resiste una, pero me ha encantado rebuscar de nuevo 🙂
Si me dices cuál, te puedo dar otra pista.
Autor que por una sola letra no comparte apellido con un controvertido cineasta.; no doy caído en ella :S
Si ves mi goodreads, hace poco acabé una obra suya.