Portada y sinopsis de Full Fathom Five

fullfathomfiveEste año pasado una de mis lecturas favoritas dentro del Hugo Voter Packet fue “Three parts dead” de Max Gladstone, al que también entrevistamos.

Nos complace saber que ya está preparada la tercera entrega de sus libros con el curioso título “Full Fathom Five”. A continuación podéis leer la sinopsis:

On the island of Kavekana, Kai builds gods to order, then hands them to others to maintain. Her creations aren’t conscious and lack their own wills and voices, but they accept sacrifices, and protect their worshippers from other gods—perfect vehicles for Craftsmen and Craftswomen operating in the divinely controlled Old World. When Kai sees one of her creations dying and tries to save her, she’s grievously injured—then sidelined from the business entirely, her near-suicidal rescue attempt offered up as proof of her instability. But when Kai gets tired of hearing her boss, her coworkers, and her ex-boyfriend call her crazy, and starts digging into the reasons her creations die, she uncovers a conspiracy of silence and fear—which will crush her, if Kai can’t stop it first.

Libro gratis : Shimmer 17

shimmer17_cover_smallSolo durante el día de hoy, y como respuesta al Black Friday, el número 17 de la revista Shimmer está disponible para su descarga gratuita.

Aquí os pongo los contenidos:

The Mostly True Adventures of Assman & Foxy, de Katherine Sparrow

How Bunny Came to Be, de A. C. Wise

The Moon Bears, de Sarah Brooks

Sincerely, Your Psychic de Helena Bell

Out They Come, de Alex Dally MacFarlane

Love in the Time of Vivisection, de Sunny Moraine

Fishing, de Lavie Tidhar

98 Ianthe, de Robert N. Lee

The Desire of All Things, de Jordan Taylor

The Metaphor of the Lakes, de Yarrow Paisley

Romeo and Meatbox, de Alex Wilson

Like Feather, Like Bone, de Kristi DeMeester

Girl, With Coin, de Damien Angelica Walters

River, Dreaming, de Silvia Moreno Garcia

The Fairy Godmother, de Kim Neville

We Were Never Alone In Space, de Carmen Maria Machado

The Herdsman of the Dead, de Ada Hoffmann

Primera novela de Ken Liu

Ken LiuEn io9 han publicado una noticia que llevábamos mucho tiempo esperando, pero que no por ello deja de alegrarnos. El multipremiado Ken Liu, la primera persona en ganar el mismo año los premios Nébula, Hugo y World Fantasy con la misma historia (“The paper menagerie”) ha vendido su novela “The Dandelion Dinasty” a la editorial Simon and Schuster. Aquí os adjunto la nota de prensa:

Simon & Schuster has acquired Ken Liu’s debut fantasy series, The Dandelion Dynasty, as the first project for its new genre imprint for all ages.

The Dandelion Dynasty follows Kuni Garu, a charming bandit, and Mata Zyndu, the son of a deposed duke. At first, the two seem like polar opposites. Yet, in the uprising against the emperor, they quickly become the best of friends after a series of adventures. The scope of the series is epic, involving gods, massive armies, diverse cultures, multiple plotlines, numerous characters, politics, war, courtly intrigue, and love.

Ken Liu is one of the hottest writers in the field, garnering multiple awards for his short stories, including “The Paper Menagerie,” the only story ever to have been awarded the Hugo, Nebula, and World Fantasy Awards. “His novels are highly anticipated, and I’m thrilled to be able to work with Ken and his myriad talents at the launch of his publishing career with this series, which exemplifies the scope of our debut list. It’s kismet,” says executive editor Joe Monti.

“I’m incredibly excited to embark on my novel career with one of the greatest publishers in the world as my partner,” says Ken Liu. “I can’t wait to share this world that has lived only in my mind with readers.”

Joe Monti acquired North American rights to three books, a short story collection, and audio rights via agent Russell Galen at Scovil Galen Ghosh Literary Agency, Inc.

Desvelada la portada de The Magician’s Land

magiciansParece que esta semana la cosa va de portadas. En esta ocasión, desde A.V. Club nos dejan ver la que será la carta de presentación de la última entrega de la trilogía The magicians, “The magician’s Land” de Lev Grossman que se pondrá a la venta el cinco de agosto del año que viene.

En una primera impresión la portada no parece decir mucho, pero si habéis leído los libros anteriores y conocéis el reino de Fillory, el hecho de que solo se vean las copas de los árboles bajo tanta nieve puede ser muy revelador.

Aquí tenéis la sinopsis, pero no os recomiendo leerla a menos que ya conozcais la historia de Quentin.

In The Magician’s Land, the stunning conclusion to the New York Times bestselling Magicians trilogy—on-sale from Viking on August 5—Quentin Coldwater has been cast out of Fillory, the secret magical land of his childhood dreams. With nothing left to lose he returns to where his story be­gan, the Brakebills Preparatory College of Magic. But he can’t hide from his past, and it’s not long before it comes looking for him.

Along with Plum, a brilliant young under­graduate with a dark secret of her own, Quentin sets out on a crooked path through a magical demi­monde of gray magic and desperate characters. But all roads lead back to Fillory, and his new life takes him to old haunts, like Antarctica, and to buried secrets and old friends he thought were lost for­ever. He uncovers the key to a sorcery masterwork, a spell that could create magical utopia, a new Fillory—but casting it will set in motion a chain of events that will bring Earth and Fillory crashing together. To save them he will have to risk sacrific­ing everything.

The Magician’s Land is an intricate thriller, a fantastical epic, and an epic of love and redemp­tion that brings the Magicians trilogy to a magnifi­cent conclusion, confirming it as one of the great achievements in modern fantasy. It’s the story of a boy becoming a man, an apprentice becoming a master, and a broken land finally becoming whole.

Nueva portada para Las mentiras de Locke Lamora

Con el lanzamiento de la tercera entrega de la saga Los caballeros bastardos de Scott Lynch, “The republic of thieves”, se han revitalizado las acciones comerciales de su editorial para los anteriores libros. En particular, se ha creado una nueva portada para el inicio de la serie, “Las mentiras de Locke Lamora”. Aquí os adjunto la nueva portada y una selección de las ya existentes. ¿Creéis que aporta algo nuevo?