Portada de The whispering swarm

Gollancz ha desvelado cuál será la portada de la nueva novela de Michael Moorcock, The whispering swarm. El libro, definido como parte autobiografía y parte ficción, se pondrá a la venta en julio de este año.


Remake de The last unicorn

Desde el 1 de marzo de 2015, ITV tiene los derechos para hacer el remake de The last unicorn, la famosa obra de Peter S. Beagle. ITV y Avicenna Development Corporation han acordado reunificar todos los derechos de la obra.

Éste es el primer paso de lo que pudiera ser una gran película, esperada desde hace tiempo por los seguidores de Beagle.

Portada y sinopsis del nuevo libro de Gene Wolfe

Gene Wolfe es quizá uno de los escritores de género más reconocidos. Por tanto, siempre es buena noticia conocer una nueva publicación salida de su pluma.

El nuevo libro se llamará A borrowed man, y aquí os traigo la portada y la sinopsis.


It is perhaps a hundred years in the future, our civilization is gone, and another is in place in North America, but it retains many familiar things and structures. Although the population is now small, there is advanced technology, there are robots, and there are clones.

E. A. Smithe is a borrowed person. He is a clone who lives on a third-tier shelf in a public library, and his personality is an uploaded recording of a deceased mystery writer. Smithe is a piece of property, not a legal human.

A wealthy patron, Colette Coldbrook, takes him from the library because he is the surviving personality of the author of Murder on Mars. A physical copy of that book was in the possession of her murdered father, and it contains an important secret, the key to immense family wealth. It is lost, and Colette is afraid of the police. She borrows Smithe to help her find the book and to find out what the secret is. And then the plot gets complicated.

Finalistas premios Lambda

lambdaYa conocemos cuáles son los nominados a los premios Lambda, dedicados a los mejores libros LGBT. Hay muchas categorías, pero aquí os pongo los nominados en ciencia ficción, fantasía y terror. Aquí los tenéis:

Afterparty, Daryl Gregory, Tor Books
Bitter Waters, Chaz Brenchley, Lethe Press
Butcher’s Road, Lee Thomas, Lethe Press
Child of a Hidden Sea, A. M. Dellamonica, Tor Books
Full Fathom Five, Max Gladstone, Tor Books
FutureDyke, Lea Daley, Bella Books
Skin Deep Magic, Craig Laurance Gidney, Rebel Satori Press

Portada y sinopsis de Shower of stones

Desde Angry Robot han publicado la que será portada de Shower of stones, la continuación de No return, el prometedor debú de Zachary Jernigan.


Aquí tenéis la sinopsis:

At the moment of his greatest victory, before a crowd of thousands, the warrior Vedas Tezul renounced his faith, calling for revolt against the god Adrash, imploring mankind to unite in this struggle.

Good intentions count for nothing. In the three months since his sacrilegious pronouncement, the world has not changed for the better. In fact, it is now on the verge of dying. The Needle hangs broken in orbit above Jeroun, each of its massive iron spheres poised to fall and blanket the planet’s surface in dust. Long-held truces between Adrashi and Anadrashi break apart as panic spreads.

With no allegiance to either side, the disgraced soldier Churls walks into the divided city of Danoor with a simple plan: murder the monster named Fesuy Amendja, and retrieve from captivity the only two individuals that still matter to her—Vedas Tezul, and the constructed man Berun. The simple plan goes awry, as simple plans do, and in the process Churls and her companions are introduced to one of the world’s deepest secrets: A madman, insisting he is the link to an ancient world, offering the most tempting lie of all… Hope.

Concluding the visceral, inventive narrative begun in No Return, Shower of Stones pits men against gods and swords against civilization-destroying magic in the fascinatingly harsh world of Jeroun.

Tebeo gratis : 2000 AD Origins

digitalgn_2000_ad_originsPara celebrar su 38 aniversario, está disponible para su descarga gratuita el tebeo 2000 AD Origins, con las primeras historias de personajes icónicos como el Juez Dredd o los Perros de Estroncio.

Aquí tenéis los contenidos:

  • Judge Dredd (2000 AD Prog 2)
  • Nemesis the Warlock: Terror Tube (2000 AD Prog 167)
  • Slaine: The Time Monster (2000 AD Prog 330)
  • Rogue Trooper (2000 AD Prog 228)
  • Nikolai Dante: The Romanov Dynasty (2000 AD Prog 1035)
  • Strontium Dog (Starlord Issue 1)
  • Halo Jones (2000 AD Prog 376)
  • A.B.C. Warriors (2000 AD Prog 119)
  • Shakara (2000 AD Prog 2002)
  • Kingdom (2000 AD Prog 2007)

Contenido adicional

Bonus Judge Dredd Strip

Portada de Ancillary Mercy

Hace unos días os mostrábamos la portada de la edición especial de Ancillary Justice que se pondrá a la venta dentro de poco y hoy os traemos la portada la novela que será el final de la trilogía, titulada Ancillary Mercy.

ancillarymercy“Si funciona, no lo toques”. Si las otras portadas han ayudado a las ventas, no cabe duda de que aquí se mantienen las mismas características de las anteriores.