Portada de Seveneves

Aquí os traigo la portada de la nueva novela de Neal Stephenson, Seveneves, que se publicará en mayo de este año.


También tenéis aquí la sinopsis:

When the moon blows up, the earth’s atmosphere is predicted to go through changes that will eventually lead to a Hard Rain, a meteorite storm that could last for thousands of years, rendering the earth’s surface uninhabitable. In preparation, the nations of the earth send an ark of humans to an International Space Station. But the Station isn’t immune to the galactic catastrophe and many of its people are lost, mostly men. When stability is reached, only seven humans remain, all of them women. Jump forward thirty thousand years. Two peoples exist: those who survived on Earth, living rustic, primitive lives; and those who derived from the Seven Eves of the space station, affluent, sophisticated, organized sects looking to colonize the surface of earth. Stephenson’s next novel is an epic potboiler, with political and military intrigue, and plenty to say about evolution, genetic engineering, and civilization as we know it.

¿Es ya mayo? ¿Y ahora?

Anunciados los nominados a los Nebula 2015

Ya conocemos los nominados a los premios Nebula 2015. Son los siguientes (incluyo enlaces a las historias gratuitas online gracias a @odo, siempre atento y a @Malapata, que me dijo uno que me faltaba):


The Goblin Emperor, Katherine Addison (Tor)

Trial by Fire, Charles E. Gannon (Baen)

Ancillary Sword, Ann Leckie (Orbit US; Orbit UK)

The Three-Body Problem, Cixin Liu ( ), translated by Ken Liu (Tor)

Coming Home, Jack McDevitt (Ace)

Annihilation, Jeff VanderMeer (FSG Originals; Fourth Estate; HarperCollins Canada)


We Are All Completely Fine, Daryl Gregory (Tachyon)

Yesterday’s Kin, Nancy Kress (Tachyon)

“The Regular”, Ken Liu (Upgraded)

“The Mothers of Voorhisville,” Mary Rickert (Tor.com 4/30/14)

Calendrical Regression, Lawrence Schoen (NobleFusion)

“Grand Jeté (The Great Leap),” Rachel Swirsky (Subterranean Summer ’14)


“Sleep Walking Now and Then,” Richard Bowes (Tor.com 7/9/14)

“The Magician and Laplace’s Demon,” Tom Crosshill (Clarkesworld 12/14)

“A Guide to the Fruits of Hawai’i,” Alaya Dawn Johnson (F&SF 7-8/14)

“The Husband Stitch,” Carmen Maria Machado (Granta #129)

“We Are the Cloud,” Sam J. Miller (Lightspeed 9/14)

“The Devil in America,” Kai Ashante Wilson (Tor.com 4/2/14)

Short Story

“The Breath of War,” Aliette de Bodard (Beneath Ceaseless Skies 3/6/14)

“When It Ends, He Catches Her,” Eugie Foster (Daily Science Fiction 9/26/14)

“The Meeker and the All-Seeing Eye,” Matthew Kressel (Clarkesworld 5/14)

“The Vaporization Enthalpy of a Peculiar Pakistani Family,” Usman T. Malik (Qualia Nous)

“A Stretch of Highway Two Lanes Wide,” Sarah Pinsker (F&SF 3-4/14)

“Jackalope Wives,” Ursula Vernon (Apex 1/7/14)

“The Fisher Queen,” Alyssa Wong (F&SF 5/14)

Premio Ray Bradbury a la mejor presentación dramática

Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance), escrito por Alejandro G. Iñárritu, Nicolás Giacobone, Alexander Dinelaris, Jr. & Armando Bo (Fox Searchlight Pictures)

Captain America: The Winter Soldier, guión de Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely (Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures)

Edge of Tomorrow, guión de Christopher McQuarrie y Jez Butterworth y John-Henry Butterworth (Warner Bros. Pictures)

Guardians of the Galaxy, escrito por James Gunn y Nicole Perlman (Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures)

Interstellar, escrito por Jonathan Nolan y Christopher Nolan (Paramount Pictures)

The Lego Movie, guión de Phil Lord & Christopher Miller  (Warner Bros. Pictures)

Premio Andre Norton a novela juvenil

Unmade, Sarah Rees Brennan (Random House)

Salvage, Alexandra Duncan (Greenwillow)

Love Is the Drug, Alaya Dawn Johnson (Levine)

Glory O’Brien’s History of the Future, A.S. King (Little, Brown)

Dirty Wings, Sarah McCarry (St. Martin’s Griffin)

Greenglass House, Kate Milford (Clarion)

The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender, Leslye Walton (Candlewick)

Nominados al Grand Prix de l’Imaginaire 2015

Ya tenemos aquí la lista de nominados de este año al Gand Prix de l’Imaginaire, los premios que desde hace más de cuarenta años se entregan en Francia a los mejores trabajos de ciencia ficción, fantasía y otros géneros.

Novela en francés

Bastards  –   Ayerdhal (Au diable vauvert)

Les résidents (The Residents)– Maurice G. Dantec (Inculte)

Drift – Thierry Di Rollo (Le Bélial’)

Trois oboles pour Charon (Three Obols For Charon) –  Franck Ferric (Denoël)

Cosplay – Laurent Ladouari (Hervé Chopin)

Aucun homme n’est une île (No Man Is An Island) – Christophe Lambert (J’ai lu)

Hysteresis – Loïc Le Borgne (Le Bélial’)

Dernières nouvelles d’Œsthrénie (Latest News from Œsthrenia) – Anne-Sylvie Salzman (Dystopia)

Novela traducida

Anti-Ice (Anti-glace) – Stephen Baxter (Le Bélial’)

Great North Road (La grande route du Nord) – Peter F. Hamilton (Bragelonne)

Soft Apocalypse (Notre fin sera si douce) – Will McIntosh (Fleuve Éditions)

Nexus – Ramez Naam (Presses de la Cité)

Wolfhound Century (Vlast)Peter Higgins (Bragelonne)

Needle in the Groove (Intrabasses) – Jeff Noon (La Volte)

The Man from Primrose Lane (L’obsession) –  James Renner (Super 8 Éditions)

The Ocean at the End of the Lane (L’océan au bout du chemin) – Neil Gaiman (Au diable vauvert)

Raising Stony Mayhal (L’éducation de Stony Mayhall) – Daryl Gregory (Le Bélial’)

Demon Cycle (Le Cycle des Démons) (vol. 1, 2, 3) – Peter V. Brett (Bragelonne)

Ficción corta en francés

“Le berceau des lucioles” (The Cradle of the Fireflies) – Jacques Barbéri (in “Faites demi-tour dès que possible”, La Volte)

“Noc-kerrigan” – Thomas Day (in Bifrost n°76)

“L’été dans la vallée” (Summer in the Valley) – Mélanie Fazi (in “Le jardin des silences”, Bragelonne)

“L’opéra de Shaya” (Shaya’s Opera) – Sylvie Lainé (ActuSF)

“Finir en beauté” (Finish Off) – Christophe Langlois (L’Arbre vengeur)

Ficción corta traducida

“Scattered Along the River of Heaven” (Éparpillés le long des rivières du ciel) de Aliette de Bodard (en Galaxies n°28)

“The Furies from Borås” (Les furies de Borås) de Anders Fager (Mirobole)

“The Fluted Girl” (La fille-flûte et autres fragments de futurs brisés) de Paolo Bacigalupi (Au diable vauvert)

“The Perseids”  (Les Perséides) de Robert Charles Wilson (Denoël)

“The Algorithms for Love” de Ken Liu (en Galaxies n°28)

Snodgrass”  de Ian R. MacLeod (en Alternative rock, Gallimard)

Dead Horse Point” de Daryl Gregory (en Bifrost n°74)

Chants du cauchemar et de la nuit” (Selected Stories from the Nightmare Factory) de Thomas Ligotti (Dystopia)

St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves” (Foyer Sainte-Lucie pour jeunes filles élevées par les loups) de Karen Russell (Albin Michel)

Novela juvenil en francés

Le jour où… de Paul Beorn (Bragelonne)

Fuir Malco de Charlotte Bousquet (Gulf Stream)

Le livre de Perle de Timothée de Fombelle (Gallimard)

Virus 57 de Christophe Lambert et Sam VanSteen (Syros)

La seconde vie de d’Artagnan de Jean-Luc Marcastel (Le Matagot)

Bleu argent de Olivier Paquet (L’Atalante)

Grandclapier de Joann Sfar (Gallimard)

Les outrepasseurs (vol. 1, 2) de Cindy Van Wilder (Gulf Stream)

Novela juvenil traducida

Zombie Baseball Beatdown (Zombie Ball) de Paolo Bacigalupi (Au diable vauvert)

The Terrible Thing that happened to Barnaby Brocket (Barnabé ou la vie en l’air) de John Boyne (Gallimard)

The Humans (Humains) de Matt Haig (Hélium)

Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children (Miss Peregrine et les enfants particuliers, vol.1, 2) de Ransom Riggs (Bayard)

The Grimm Legacy (La malédiction Grimm) de Polly Shulman (Bayard)

Rise of the Corpses. The Undertakers #1 (L’eveil des macchabs) de Ty Drago (Bayard)

Premio a la traducción

Jean-Daniel Brèque por Nexus de Ramez Naam (Presses de la Cité)

Carine Bruy por Samlade Svenska Kulter (Les Furies de Borås) de Anders Fager (Mirobole)

Pierre-Paul Durastanti por Anti-Ice (Anti-glace) de Stephen Baxter (Le Bélial’)

Anne-Sylvie Homassel por Selected Stories (Chants du cauchemar et de la nuit) de Thomas Ligotti (Dystopia)

Patrick Marcel por The Ocean at the End of the Lane (L’océan au bout du chemin) de Neil Gaiman (Au diable vauvert)

Michel Pagel por Softapocalypse (Notre fin sera si douce) de Will McIntosh (Fleuve Editions)

Laurent Philibert-Caillat por Raising Stony Mayhall (L’éducation de Stony Mayhall) de Daryl Gregory (Le Bélial’) y Moxyland deLauren Beukes (Presses de la Cité)

Marie Surgers por Needle in the Groove (Intrabasses) de Jeff Noon (La Volte)

Premio Wojtek Siudmak a la mejor obra artística

Olivier Fontvieille  por Shambling Towards Hiroshima (Hiroshima n’aura pas lieu) de James Morrow (Au diable vauvert)

Nicolas Fructus por Aucun souvenir assez solide de Alain Damasio (Gallimard)

Victor Manuel Leza Moreno por Le Roi Squelette – L’intégrale de Serge Brussolo (Bragelonne)

Manchu por The Perseids (Les Perséides) de Robert Charles Wilson (Denoël)

Aurélien Police por todas sus portadas de 2014

Diego Tripodi por Fées, weed et guillotines de Karim Berrouka (ActuSF)

Johannes Wiebel por Er is wieder da (Look Who’s Back) de Timur Vermes (Belfond)


“Les dieux cachés de la science-fiction française et francophone, 1950-2010″ (The Hidden Gods of the French and Francophone SF)(Revue Eidôlon n°111, Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux)

“Post humains” (Post Humans), eds. Élaine Després & Hélène Machinal (Presses Universitaires de Rennes)

“La bible steampunk de S.J. Chambers et Jeff Vandermeer” (S.J. Chambers & Jeff Vandermeer’s Steampunk Bible) (Bragelonne)

“Super-héros, une histoire française” (Super Heroes, A French History) de Xavier Fournier (Huginn & Muninn)

“Utopie et raison dans le cycle de Fondation d’Isaac Asimov” (Utopia and Reason in Asimov’s Foundation) de Anthony Vallat (ActuSF)

“Des mines du roi Salomon à la quête du Graal by H.R. Haggard” (1856-1925) (From King Solomon’s Mines to the Graal’s Quest by H.R.Haggard) de Lauric Guillaud (Michel Houdiard)

“Philoséries : Buffy tueuse de vampires”, eds. Sylvie Allouche & Sandra Laugier (Bragelonne)

Premio especial

“Les 40 ans de la revue Solaris” (Forty Years of the Canadian SF Magazine Solaris)

Richard Comballot pour son travail de mémoire de l’Imaginaire, dont son recueil d’entretiens Clameurs (La Volte)

“L’intégrale Stark et les rois des étoiles, de Leigh Brackett, Ray Bradbury et Edmond Hamilton” (Le Bélial’)

“Le cabinet du docteur Black de E.B. Hudspeth” (Le Pré aux Clercs)

“Midi-Minuit Fantastique” – volume 1, eds. Michel Caen et Nicolas Stanzick (Rouge Profond)

“Eerie et Creepy présentent Richard Corben” (vol.1, 2) (Delirium)

Contenidos de In the stars I’ll find you and other tales of futures fantastic

Bradley P. Beaulieu ha dado a conocer los relatos que formarán parte de In the stars I’ll find you and other tales of futures fantastic, así como la portada. Aquí tenéis una breve sinopsis:

  • “In the Stars I’ll Find You” – Erin O’Shea finds herself at odds with her sister, Tara, and it’s only after a mission to a habitable planet, light years distant from Earth, that Erin truly understands her sister’s point of view, but by then it may be far too late to reconcile.

  • “Compartmentalized” – Mitch has been hiding something. The trouble is, he no longer has any idea what it is, not after he’d submitted himself to a new procedure known as compartmentalization. There’s a part of Mitch that wants to learn more, but another part is desperate to keep it from him.

  • “Upon the Point of a Knife” – Jonah is an orphan who runs the streets of 1800′s Providence, but everything changes when an old man approaches him and offers him a knife that doesn’t draw blood, but one’s very soul.

  • “Chasing Humanity” – The world has been waiting for the transcendence of artificial intelligence for decades. It finally arrives, but the AI is immediately plunged into mystery when it, and its creator, both disappear.

  • “Bloom” – A scientist struggles to contain a viral outbreak that threatens the world’s food supplies, “Bloom” is a story of heroism even in the face of unstoppable political forces.

  • “Born of a Trickster God” – Part two of The Rümayesh Triptych, a trio of tales set in the world of The Song of the Shattered Sands. In this installment, Çeda learns more of Rümayesh, the powerful creature that has been living hiding in the streets of Sharakhai for centuries.

  • “No Viveremos Como Presos” – Miguel only has his grandfather’s best interests at heart, but when his grandfather starts talking about an organization whose motto is “We will not live as prisoners,” Miguel becomes worried.

  • “And a Girl Named Rose” – A ship’s AI struggles with the loss of its human cargo. When one of the last, a girl named Rose, threatens to leave as well, it strikes emotions in the ship it didn’t realize it had. But does it happen to late to save Rose?

  • “Flashed Forward” – A story about a man who kickstarts his leap into the future. As is normal for Kickstarter’s, it’s only after the project funds that things get really interesting.

  • “Quinta Essentia” – Sean Brannon’s body was ruined by David Lock, a scientist driven by his quest to unlock the secrets of Quinta Essentia, the most elusive of the magical elements. However, it’s only after the Jovians land that Sean and David both discover the real secrets of the fifth element.

In-the-Stars-Ill-Find-You-768x1024La portada me parece espectacular, ¿cómo la veis vosotros?

Nominados premios DITMAR 2015

Ya conocemos a los nominados a los premios DITMAR 2015. Son los siguientes:

Mejor novela

  • The Lascar’s Dagger, Glenda Larke (Hachette)
  • Bound (Alex Caine 1), Alan Baxter (Voyager)
  • Clariel, Garth Nix (HarperCollins)
  • Thief’s Magic (Millennium’s Rule 1), Trudi Canavan (Hachette Australia)
  • The Godless (Children 1), Ben Peek (Tor UK)

Mejor novella o novelette

  • “The Ghost of Hephaestus”, Charlotte Nash, en Phantazein (FableCroft Publishing)
  • “The Legend Trap”, Sean Williams, en Kaleidoscope (Twelfth Planet Press)
  • “The Darkness in Clara”, Alan Baxter, en SQ Mag 14 (IFWG Publishing Australia)
  • “St Dymphna’s School for Poison Girls”, Angela Slatter, en Review of Australian Fiction, Volume 9, Issue 3 (Review of Australian Fiction)
  • “The Female Factory”, Lisa L. Hannett and Angela Slatter, en The Female Factory (Twelfth Planet Press)
  • “Escapement”, Stephanie Gunn, en Kisses by Clockwork (Ticonderoga Publications)

Mejor historia corta

  • “Bahamut”, Thoraiya Dyer, en Phantazein (FableCroft Publishing)
  • “Vanilla”, Dirk Flinthart, en Kaleidoscope (Twelfth Planet Press)
  • “Cookie Cutter Superhero”, Tansy Rayner Roberts, en Kaleidoscope (Twelfth Planet Press)
  • “The Seventh Relic”, Cat Sparks, ien Phantazein (FableCroft Publishing)
  • “Signature”, Faith Mudge, en Kaleidoscope (Twelfth Planet Press)

Mejor colección

  • Kaleidoscope, editado por Alisa Krasnostein y Julia Rios (Twelfth Planet Press)
  • The Year’s Best Australian Fantasy and Horror 2013, editado por Liz Grzyb y Talie Helene (Ticonderoga Publications)
  • Phantazein, editado por Tehani Wessely (FableCroft Publishing)

Mejor arte

  • Ilustraciones, Kathleen Jennings, en Black-Winged Angels (Ticonderoga Publications)
  • Portada, Kathleen Jennings, en Phantazein (FableCroft Publishing)
  • Ilustraciones, Kathleen Jennings, en The Bitterwood Bible and Other Recountings (Tartarus Press)

Mejor escritor aficionado

  • Tansy Rayner Roberts, conjunto de trabajos
  • Tsana Dolichva, conjunto de trabajos
  • Bruce Gillespie, conjunto de trabajos
  • Katharine Stubbs, conjunto de trabajos
  • Alexandra Pierce, conjunto de trabajos
  • Grant Watson, conjunto de trabajos
  • Sean Wright, conjunto de trabajos

Mejor artista aficionado

  • Nalini Haynes, conjunto de trabajos, incluyendo “Interstellar Park Ranger Bond, Jaime Bond”, “Gabba and Slave Lay-off: Star Wars explains Australian politics”, “The Driver”, y”Unmasked” en Dark Matter Zine
  • Kathleen Jennings, conjunto de trabajos, incluyendo Fakecon y la serie Illustration Friday
  • Nick Stathopoulos, por el cartel de la película It Grows!

Mejor publicación aficionada en cualquier medio

  • Snapshot 2014, Tsana Dolichva, Nick Evans, Stephanie Gunn, Kathryn Linge, Elanor Matton-Johnson, David McDonald, Helen Merrick, Jason Nahrung, Ben Payne, Alex Pierce, Tansy Rayner Roberts, Helen Stubbs, Katharine Stubbs, Tehani Wessely, y Sean Wright
  • It Grows!, Nick Stathopoulos
  • Galactic Suburbia, Alisa Krasnostein, Alexandra Pierce, Tansy Rayner Roberts, y Andrew Finch
  • The Writer and the Critic, Kirstyn McDermott y Ian Mond
  • Galactic Chat, Sean Wright, Helen Stubbs, David McDonald, Alexandra Pierce, Sarah Parker, y Webb

Mejor nuevo talento

  • Helen Stubbs
  • Shauna O’Meara
  • Michelle Goldsmith

Premio William Atheling Jr a crítica o reseña

  • Reseñas en The Angriest, Grant Watson
  • Serie The Eddings Reread, Tehani Wessely, Jo Anderton, y Alexandra Pierce, en A Conversational Life
  • Reseñas en Adventures of a Bookonaut, Sean Wright
  • “Does Sex Make Science Fiction Soft?”, en Uncanny Magazine 1, Tansy Rayner Roberts
  • Reseñas en FictionMachine, Grant Watson
  • Serie The Reviewing New Who, David McDonald, Tansy Rayner Roberts ,y Tehani Wessely

Enhorabuena a los nominados.

Ganadores de los premios Paul Harland

ZONDER-namen-kleinEl fin de semana pasado se dieron a conocer los ganadores de los premios Paul Harland, algo así como los Ignotus holandeses.

Estos son los premiados:

1) Mevrouw Rosenbaum vecht tegen de duivel” (Mrs. Rosenbaum fights the devil) de Erik Heiser, galardonado con 1000 euros.

2) Tuinelfjes” (Garden fairies) de Sarah de Waard, galardonado con 300 euros.

3) “Overal schaduwen, overal sterren” (Shadows everywhere, stars everywhere) de Marco Knauff galardonado con 300 euros.

Premio novel Paul Harland

De sneeuw” (The snow) de Jacqueline Weers, galardonado con 150 euros.

Premio NCSF

Overal schaduwen, overal sterren” (Shadows everywhere, stars everywhere) de Marco Knauff, galardonado con 150 euros.

Premio Phoenix (De Feniksprijs) 

Woestijnzand” (Desert sand) de Nieske Lindelauf – den Heijer, galardonado con 150 euros.

Premio al talento W.J. Maryson


Portadas y sinopsis de la nueva saga de Linda Nagata

Ya conocemos cuáles serán las portadas de los nuevos lanzamientos (aunque el primero ya fue autopublicado) de Linda Nagata en Saga Press. Se llamarán The red y The trials. También os traigo las sinopsis.

thered the trials

The Red

Reality TV and advanced technology make for high drama in this political thriller that combines the military action of Zero Dark Thirty with the classic science fiction of The Forever War.

Lieutenant James Shelley, who has an uncanny knack for premeditating danger, leads a squad of advanced US Army military tasked with enforcing the peace around a conflict in sub-Saharan Africa. The squad members are linked wirelessly 24/7 to themselves and a central intelligence that guides them via drone relay—and unbeknownst to Shelley and his team, they are being recorded for a reality TV show.

When an airstrike almost destroys their outpost, a plot begins to unravel that’s worthy of Crichton and Clancy’s best. The conflict soon involves rogue defense contractors, corrupt US politicians, and homegrown terrorists who possess nuclear bombs. Soon Shelley must accept that the helpful warnings in his head could be AI. But what is the cost of serving its agenda?


The Trials

In the wake of nuclear terrorism, a squad of elite soldiers must combat artificial intelligence and seek justice in this military political thriller, a sequel to The Red.

Lieutenant James Shelley and his squad of US Army soldiers were on a quest for justice when they carried out the unauthorized mission known as First Light. They returned home to America to face a court-martial, determined to expose the corruption in the chain of command that compelled their actions. But in a country still reeling from the nuclear terrorism of Coma Day, the courtroom is just one battlefield of many.

A new cycle of violence ignites when rumors of the elusive, rogue AI known as the Red go public—and Shelley is, once again, pulled into the fray. Challenged by his enemies, driven by ideals, Shelley feels compelled to act. But are the harrowing choices he makes really his own, or are they made for him, by the Red? And with millions of lives at stake in a game of nuclear cat-and-mouse, does the answer even matter?

Contenidos de Stories for Chip

chipdelanyAquí os dejo los relatos y ensayos que forman Stories for Chip: A Tribute to Samuel R. Delany editado por Nisi Shawl y Bill Campbell.

  1. Christopher Brown – Festival
  2. Chesya Burke – For Sale: Fantasy Coffin
  3. Roz Clarke – Haunt-type Experience
  4. Kathryn Cramer – Characters in the Margins of a Lost Notebook
  5. Vincent Czyz – Hamlet’s Ghost Sighted in Frontenac, KS
  6. Junot Díaz – Nilda
  7. Geetanjali Dighe – The Last Dying Man
  8. L. Timmel Duchamp – Real Mothers, a Faggot Uncle, and the Name of the Father: Samuel R. Delany’s Feminist Revisions of the Story of SF
  9. Hal Duncan – An Idyll in Erewhyna
  10. Fabio Fernandes – Eleven Stations
  11. Jewelle Gomez – Be Three
  12. Eileen Gunn – Michael Swanwick y Samuel R. Delany en Joyce Kilmer Service Area, March 2005
  13. Nick Harkaway – Billy Tumult
  14. Ernest Hogan – Guerilla Mural of a Siren’s Song
  15. Nalo Hopkinson & Nisi Shawl – Jamaica Ginger
  16. Walidah Imarisha – Walking Science Fiction: Samuel Delany and Visionary Fiction
  17. Alex Jennings – Heart of Brass
  18. Tenea D. Johnson – Each Star a Sun to Invisible Planets
  19. Ellen Kushner – Delany Story
  20. Claude Lalumiere – Empathy Evolving as a Quantum of Eight-Dimensional Perception
  21. Isiah Lavender – Delany Encounters
  22. devorah major – Voice Prints
  23. Haralambi Markov – Holding Hands with Monsters
  24. Anil Menon – Clarity
  25. Carmelo Rafala – Song for the Asking
  26. Kit Reed – Kickenders
  27. Kim Stanley Robinson – Introduction
  28. Benjamin Rosenbaum – The First Gate of Logic
  29. Geoff Ryman – Capitalism in the 22nd Century
  30. Alex Smith – Clones
  31. Michael Swanwick – On My First Reading of The Einstein Intersection
  32. Sheree Renee Thomas – River Clap Your Hands
  33. Kai Ashante Wilson – “Legendaire”