Ya sabemos cuál será la portada de The Queen of Crows, la segunda entrega de la trilogía Sacred Throne (sobre la primera, The Armored Saint ya os hablé ayer). El libro se publicará en octubre. La portada es obra de Tommy Arnold con diseño de Christine Foltzer,
Portada de Spinning Silver
Aquí os traigo la portada de la que será nueva novela de Naomi Novik, titulada Spinning Silver.
Visualmente sigue la línea de Uprooted y se publicará en julio de este año, auqnue no pertenecen al mismo universo. Según comenta la propia autora, el germen de la historia surgió cuando estaba escribiendo un relato sobre Rumplestiltskin para la antología Starlit Woods: New Fairy Tales, y no pudo parar de escribir.
Desvelada la portada de The Descent of Monsters
Ya sabemos cuál será la portada de The Descent of Monsters, la que será tercera entrega de la serie Tensorate de JY Yang. Ya os hablamos sobre las dos primeras entregas (The Black Tides of Heaven y The Red Threads of Fortune), pero es que además de ser una lectura muy entretenida, las portadas creadas por Yuko Shimizu son maravillosas.
Si no te decides con las reseñas, prueba a leer esta historia de la autora a ver qué te parece.
Portada de The Body Library
En Tor.com ha publicado la que será portada del nuevo libro de Jeff Noon, titulado The Body Library.
Será la secuela de A Man of Shadows, la novela recomendada por Armando en el último episodio de VerdHugos.
Aquí está la portada, en línea con la anterior:
Y la sinopsis:
In a city dissolving into an infected sprawl of ideas, where words come to life and reality is contaminated by stories, John Nyquist wakes up in a room with a dead body… The dead man’s impossible whispers plunge him into a murder investigation like no other. Clues point him deeper into an unfolding story infesting its participants as reality blurs between place and genre.
Only one man can hope to put it all back together into some kind of order, enough that lives can be saved… That man is Nyquist, and he is lost.
Portada de Revenant Gun
Ya podemos disfrutar de la portada de Revenant Gun, la esperadísima novela de Yoon Ha Lee, la finalización de la trilogía Machineries Of Empire que empezó con Ninefox Gambit y continuó con Raven Stratagem. Revenant Gun, está situada temporalmente nueve años después de Raven Stratagem. Nirai Kujen, está intentando reconquistar el hexarcato con Jedao como su general. Mientras tanto, Cheris tratará de acabar con ambos.
When Shuos Jedao wakes up for the first time, several things go wrong. His few memories tell him that he’s a seventeen-year-old cadet—but his body belongs to a man decades older. Hexarch Nirai Kujen orders Jedao to reconquer the fractured hexarchate on his behalf even though Jedao has no memory of ever being a soldier, let alone a general. Surely a knack for video games doesn’t qualify you to take charge of an army?
Soon Jedao learns the situation is even worse. The Kel soldiers under his command may be compelled to obey him, but they hate him thanks to a massacre he can’t remember committing. Kujen’s friendliness can’t hide the fact that he’s a tyrant. And what’s worse, Jedao and Kujen are being hunted by an enemy who knows more about Jedao and his crimes than he does himself…
Aquí tenéis la portada, obra de Chris Moore:
En la portada podemos ver la nave de Jedao, la Revenant, dirigiéndose a la Fortaleza de Pearled Hopes.
La novela saldrá a la venta en junio de 2018.
Portada de Only Human
Aquí os traigo la portada de Only Human, la esperada tercera entrega de los Themis Files de Sylvain Neuvel, que publicará el cinco de enero del año que viene (¿alguien necesitaba sugerencias para regalos de Reyes?)
La portada respeta la temática de las anteriores, pero es un poco más enigmática. ¿Qué os parece?
Portada de The Tattered Prince and the Demon Veiled
En su blog Bradley P. Beaulieu ha publicado la que será portada de su nueva novella en el mundo de Shattered Sands, que se llamará The Tattered Prince and the Demon Veiled. Es obra de René Aigner.
Aquí os traigo la descripción:
Brama was once a thief who dreamed of riches. Now he’s the Torn Man, a broken soul who could have all the riches he wants, except he no longer yearns for it. He’s chosen instead to live in the poorest quarter of Sharakhai with the very creature who tortured him mercilessly, a powerful ehrekh known as Rümayesh.
Brama’s life changes forever when he stumbles across a woman named Jax, an intriguing young foreigner fleeing assassins from her homeland. Brama has feared to use Rümayesh’s power, but asks her now to help save Jax from her fate. Rümayesh, who seems curiously fascinated by Jax, agrees.
Brama has little time to wonder over Rümayesh’s sudden and unexpected interest, for his fate soon becomes entangled with Jax’s. As a drug lord learns of Brama’s sapphire, and the assassins close in, Brama fights to save Jax, preventing him from focusing on what may be the biggest threat of all: Rümayesh herself.
La verdad, tengo mucho curiosidad por seguir con la obra de Beaulieu. Esperemos que con suerte, no tarde mucho en leerla.
Portada de Wrath of Empire
Ya tenemos aquí la portada de Wrath of Empire, la que será segunda entrega de la nueva trilogía de Brian McClellan en el mundo de Powder Mage. Sabéis que la primera entrega me gustó mucho, así que espero con interés este nuevo libro, que saldrá publicado el día 6 de marzo del año que viene.
The country is in turmoil. With the capital city occupied, half a million refugees are on the march, looking for safety on the frontier, accompanied by Lady Flint’s soldiers. But escaping war is never easy, and soon the battle may find them, whether they are prepared or not.
Back in the capital, Michel Bravis smuggles even more refugees out of the city. But internal forces are working against him. With enemies on all sides, Michael may be forced to find help with the very occupiers he’s trying to undermine.
Meanwhile, Ben Styke is building his own army. He and his mad lancers are gathering every able body they can find and searching for an ancient artifact that may have the power to turn the tides of war in their favor. But what they find may not be what they’re looking for.
Portada de American Hippo
Aquí os traigo la portada del omnibus de Sarah Gailey, titulado American Hippo, que recopilará en un solo volumen River of Teeth y Taste of Marrow, junto con un relato corto situado en el mismo escenario.
La fecha de publicación será mayo del 2018.
Portada del nuevo libro de Claire North 84K
Se ha desvelado cuál será la portada de 84K, la nueva novela de Claire North. ¡Y yo no puedo esperar hasta mayo para leerla!
Theo Miller knows the value of human life – to the very last penny.
Working in the Criminal Audit Office, he assesses each crime that crosses his desk and makes sure the correct debt to society is paid in full.
But when his ex-lover is killed, it’s different. This is one death he can’t let become merely an entry on a balance sheet.
Because when the richest in the world are getting away with murder, sometimes the numbers just don’t add up.